Dumping classes
Here's a little script I use when I have get the info from a class or classes:
<?php require 'autoload.php'; $cli = eZCLI::instance(); $script = eZScript::instance( array( 'description' => ( "Displays Class attributes of either [CLASS] or all classes" ), 'use-session' => false, 'use-modules' => true, 'use-extensions' => true ) ); $script->startup(); $options = $script->getOptions( "", "[class]", array() ); $script->initialize(); eZDebug::writeDebug( $options, "options" ); if ( count( $options['arguments'] ) >= 1 ) { foreach ( $options['arguments'] as $identifier ) { if ( is_numeric( $identifier ) ) { $ContentObjectClass = eZContentClass::fetch( $identifier ); if (is_object($ContentObjectClass)) { $identifier = $ContentObjectClass->attribute('identifier'); } else { echo "Error: Invalid class identifier: ".$identifier."\n"; $script->shutdown(); exit(); } } $classList[] = eZContentClass::fetchByIdentifier($identifier,true); } } else { $classList = eZContentClass::fetchAllClasses(); } foreach($classList as $class) { if (is_object($class)) { echo $class->attribute('id')." <--> ".$class->attribute('name')." <--> ".$class->attribute('identifier')."\n"; $classAttributes = eZContentClass::fetchAttributes($class->attribute( 'id'),true); foreach ($classAttributes as $attribute) { echo $attribute->attribute( "id" )."|"; echo $attribute->attribute( "name" )."|"; echo $attribute->attribute( "identifier" )."|"; echo $attribute->attribute( "data_type_string" ); if ($attribute->attribute( 'is_required' ) ){ echo "|required"; } if ($attribute->attribute( 'is_searchable' ) ){ echo "|searchable"; } if ($attribute->attribute( 'is_information_collector' ) ){ echo "|collector"; } echo "\n"; } } else { echo $class." invalid identifier, skipping."; } } $script->shutdown(); ?>